For those of you new to the The Reglar Wiglar Electronic Text-Based Humor Simulator, let us assure you that ours is a company that has been associated with high quality since 1993. We are here for you.
We will be happy to answer each and every one of your questions, however inane or downright stupid those questions might be. They say there's no such thing as a stupid question, but hey, you've asked quite a few in your day, haven't you? Sure you have.
Blogs are silly. Blogs are platforms for individuals to share their opinions, interests and views of the world with the world. They reveal too much about their creators' personal lives and that shows weakness. Weakness is morally wrong and makes you stand out from the pack as prey. We have no desire to be prey.
You, the reader, are our sole reason for existing. The Reglar Wiglar Electronic Text-Based Humor Simulator is here to entertain you and make your day a little brighter by adding a touch of cynicism that only a true burnout like yourself could appreciate.
We have your needs in mind when we work on an entry to this site. "What would our readers like to see in our pages?" we ask ourselves daily. "What would make them happy?" or "What would offend them or our advertisers?" Nothing we'd care to publish, that's for sure.
When you have a problem with The Reglar Wiglar Electronic Text-Based Humor Simulator, we respond quickly, attentively, sympathetically. When you "don't get" one of our posts, we guide you through to the punch-line. We help you see the humor and "get the joke", effectively, courteously.
At the The Reglar Wiglar Electronic Text-Based Humor Simulator we want to make your every experience with us an enjoyable one. We know you have unique needs and we want to live up to your expectations. The importance of a satisfied readership is the cornerstone of our operation. It is our goal to leave you satisfied. We are committed to that goal.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
A few more weeks like this, and John Battles is going to be writing the next Roctober all by himself!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
300th Post!
That last post was the 300th post of the The Reglar Wiglar Electronic Text-Based Humor Simulator.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Gary Panter interview at Comics Comics
Megastar RW #21 interviewee Gary Panter just keeps on truckin'. Listen to an in depth interview with him right over here.

It's inpir/persper-ational!

It's inpir/persper-ational!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
Reglar Wiglar Comic Review: Killing Time Before the Party: Comics About Playing in a Band by People who Play in Bands

This forty page comic compilation features, as the subtitle suggests, comics contributions by people who play in bands. Featuring twenty-two collaborators, Killing Time details the joys and pains of a life in rock and roll. We're not talking about a Van Halen/Aerosmith, rich-as-fuck lifestyle mind you, but rather a hand-to-mouth, labor of love existence stuck to underbelly of the underground. Publisher Justin Melkmann was inspired to produce this comic after making the connection that people who play in bands must also possess talent in other artistic areas and no doubt made comics like himself. Melkmann relates anecdotes of his time in NYC punk band World War IX. Abby Denson (Liberteens, Girlymen, etc) turns in "Bass Mistress" a comic about her love affair with the bass guitar. Other notable contributions include an an illustrated European tour diary of the band Nightingales by Christy Edwards; punk rock drummer/cartoonist Brian Walsby dispels the myth of being a punk rock drummer/cartoonist and Sergio Zuniga provides us with the violent yet humorous "I'm in a Band" comic about the perils of rockin' out. Cover price is $3. Contact Justin at jmelkmann@hotmail.com. Check out www.melkmanncomics.blogspot.com
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The Reglar Wiglar Record Review of Let the Dominoes Fall by Rancid!
I never knew me too much about this band Rancid, other than a string of major red flags: media-industrial complex backed, relatively mega-selling ska/street/pop punk rawk, presumably popular in malls, performed by living breathing cartoon punk rockers (complete with fake British accents) and shamelessly derivative of better bands that I probably don't care to listen to much anyway. No thanx, I always thought, I'll die listening to god-damn Green Day before I give a second of my time over to this shite. But I'll be dipped in mohawk wax if I'm not kinda going bonkers for this brand new Rancid album.
I wasn't wrong about where these guys are coming from aesthetically, but I was wrong about my capacity to enjoy it. This is a record chock full of toe-tapping, fist-pumping jams (and a handful of tender ones) certain to keep the pits full all summer long.
Rating: two boots straight up in the air!
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